Lunches will take place in the mensa of the faculty of natural sciences
(=workshop venue, Hellbrunner Strasse 34, A-5020 Salzburg),
50m away from the lecture room.
A (very) limited number of additional tickets for the workshop dinner can be ordered for 52 Euros each -
to reserve a ticket please contact
Workshop dinner will take place in
Paracelsusstube at 'Stiegl Brauwelt'.
Stiegl is Salzburg's biggest (and most famous) brewery.
Dinner is preceded by a guided tour (in English)
through Stiegl Brauwelt including a small beer tasting.
A bus transfer is organized from the faculty of Natural Sciences (workshop venue) to Stiegl brewery and
back (see schedule).
Bus tranfer, coffee breaks, lunches and workshop dinner are included in the conference fees.
Download schedule as xls or as
@Presenting authors: Please bring your presentation as pdf on a USB stick OR send it by email
to latest on Friday, September 16th.